Janine Young Reflexology

Specialising in Clinical Reflexology for Nantwich, Cheshire


Contact Details

Janine Young M.A.R.,V.R.T.,B.A.,A.T.T.
37 Talbot Way
Cheshire CW5 7RR

Tel: 01270 611737 / 07817 269839
Email: janyoungreflexology@yahoo.co.uk

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Janine is proud to say that she feels the quality of her treatment and customer service speaks for itself... in excess of 96% of the work she does comes from repeat business and personal recommendation.




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Focus on Maternity Reflexology

CLICK HERE For Maternity Reflexology Article


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Reflexology to Induce Labour

If you have gone past your due date, or are in your fortieth week of pregnancy, then Janine is very experienced in using reflexology techniques to induce labour naturally.
She recommends two treatments on consecutive days (although in some cases some mum's - to - be have found that one treatment is enough). If you are interested in having reflexology for this reason, then please telephone Janine for a discussion regarding your individual needs.

Reflexology treatment for preparation for Labour

Janine sees many women who she treats in week 40 & 41 of their pregnancy for successful labour induction however to maximise your chances of the best labour experience she would recommend starting some preparation for labour treatment from around week 35/36 and to have six weekly treatments.

Those mums who have had reflexology at the end of a first pregnancy to prepare them for, and to induce labour, consider reflexology a must in second and third pregnancies.



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Reflexology to support the IVF process

Janine has been working in this specialist area since 2006 and in that time has gained a wealth of experience which has enabled her to develop her own treatment programme specifically to support all the stages of the IVF/ICSI process. She has also advised, supported and guided other clinical reflexologists to work within this field.



Reflexology in Nantwich, Cheshire

Following a long term interest in Holistic, Complementary Therapies Janine undertook an Association Of Reflexologists accredited course, training at the Anne Hammond College of Complementary Healthcare in Knutsford, Cheshire; and gained a Diploma in Advanced Reflexology. Janine is a full member of the Association of Reflexologists (Membership No. 17892), being fully insured through the Association, and bound by their Code of Practice and Ethics. Janine is also registered on the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners and with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council(CNHC). Janine is totally committed to her patients and helping them achieve the results they desire through Reflexology; as well as providing a professional, caring and totally holistic treatment of Clinical Reflexology for Nantwich, Crewe and the surrounding area.

Janine specialises in Clinical Reflexology (Also known as Medical Reflexology). Unlike many other therapists, Reflexology is the only treatment that Janine offers as she believes this enables her to focus on just one discipline and thereby offer the very highest standard of treatment. The treatment Janine gives combines Precision Reflexology, Vertical Reflexology, Maternity Reflexology, Gentle Touch Reflexology and Advanced Reflexology techniques. Janine's Reflexology Practice is based in Stapeley, Nantwich, Cheshire; which is within 1 mile of Nantwich Town Centre, and is also within easy reach of much of the surrounding area including Crewe, Haslington, Sandbach, Middlewich, Holmes Chapel, Audlem, Malpas, Tarporley, Weston, Wrenbury, Newcastle-under-Lyme; also Whitchurch and Market Drayton, Shropshire.

Having worked full-time as a reflexologist since 2006, Janine has extensive experience in treating and working with individuals with a wide variety of conditions including insomnia, anxiety, depression, asthma, sinusitis, fertility issues and supporting clients through IUI, IVF and ICSI, antenatal and postnatal treatment (Maternity Reflexology - including natural labour induction), IBS, constipation, arthritis, headaches and migraines, multiple sclerosis, ME, general fatigue, S.A.D., symptoms of menopause, PMS and menstrual cycle issues, under active thyroid, back pain, frozen shoulder, oedema, stress and stress related conditions, hypertension (raised blood pressure), sciatica, foot pain including plantar fasciitis and treatment to aid post surgery and cosmetic surgery recovery; to name a few, although this is by no means an exhaustive list.


Janine has, in more recent years, gained a great deal of experience working within an additioal specialist area, treating people who have been diagnosed with a terminal condition; working alongside their palliative care treatment.

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Before qualifying as a Reflexologist Janine worked for almost 14 years in a Chartered Accountancy Practice as a Tax Specialist. She is therefore very familiar with the pressures of working in a stressful environment, having to meet constant deadlines, the stress of a daily commute, (which so many people do these days); combined with trying to balance family and work life.

It is estimated that approximately 70% of all illness is caused by stress or has stress as a major contributory factor, therefore most of us are likely to be affected by a stress related or stress induced illness at some time in our lives.

Reflexology can be very effective in treating stress and stress-related conditions and can thereby help patients to find the key to a less pressurised lifestyle.

Janine's interest in Reflexology developed when she reached the conclusion that she needed to make significant changes to her own life in order to achieve a better work/life balance.

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Reflexology in Nantwich, Cheshire

Clinic Appointment Times

9.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Saturday

Evening appointments are available from Monday to Friday from 6.15pm onward;  and early morning appointments can be made available by prior arrangement. (Monday to Friday)

Appointments can be made at any time by calling either 01270 611737 or 07817 269839; if I am unavailable please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I am available.

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Testimonial January 2015 - General Anxiety Disorder

After my initial two sessions with yourself combined with going to the gym 3-4 times per week, I've seen a huge improvement in my anxiety already! Especially at work...

Testimonial January 2015 - After a Failed IVF Cycle

I wanted to thank you for the treatments and support you have given me at such a difficult time.

Testimonial January 2015 - Regulation of Menstrual Cycle

Couldn't believe it after last time though....I hadn't had a period since November, came to you on Monday and had a period on Thursday. Absolutely amazing.
Thank you.

Testimonials December 2014

Thank you for all your support and help.

With thanks for all your help this year!

Thank you -as always- for all your help throughout the year.

Testimonial August 2014 - IVF and Pregnancy

Thank you for the lovely little book and all your help and support pre and during my pregnancy.

Testimonial August 2014 - General

Thank you!

That positive energy that I requested came through since I saw you this morning and I've been able to complete filling out a horrible form that I have been putting off.

Thanks again

Testimonial July 2014 - Labour Induction

Yes our baby girl arrived last night after a very quick labour only just making it to hospital!

Thank you for all your help with another good labour with no pain relief!

Kind regards

Testimonial June 2014 - Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Don't know what you pressed last Friday, but feel great, calmer and coping better. Thank you.

Testimonial June 2014 - Labour Induction

Hi Janine, I came to see you last Tuesday and Wednesday, just wanted to say baby Daniel arrived Friday morning in superquick time, 3.5 hours start to finish!!! Many thanks for seeing me at such short notice.

Testimonial November 2013 - Preparation for Labour

Hi Janine
Just thought I'd let you know we had a beautiful baby girl on Sunday, had an amazing birth and back home in 5 hours, no pain relief not even gas. Thank you so much I believe the reflexology helped immensely. Once I'm settled I'll book to come and see you.

Testimonial September 2013 - Labour Induction

We've just had a gorgeous little boy! 7lb7oz! I can't thank you enough for all your help. I had a really good labour! Thank you! I'll be in touch to book in. Thanks again for everything. Xxx

Testimonial September 2013 - Labour Induction

Hi Janine, I came to see you almost two weeks ago after my waters broke for some induction reflexology. I just thought I would let you know that it worked! My contractions started shortly after leaving you and really kicked in at about 11pm that night. Thank you.

Testimonial June 2013 - Miscarriage

Hi Janine

Please could you cancel my appointment tomorrow as I no longer need it. I have to say a huge thank you for helping me... It's been an awful experience again but you were so understanding, kind and worked wonders.

Many thanks again.

Testimonial June 2013 - Through IVF & Pregnancy

To Janine

I just wanted to say Thank You so much for all your help throughout our fertility treatment and pregnancy. I have absolutely no doubt that it has played a huge part in getting us to this stage and keeping me calm in the process!
It has been lovely to have something so relaxing to look forward to each week and I shall be back as soon as possible for some no doubt well needed time out!

Testimonial June 2013 - General

How many ways to say thank you, not enough. Thank you seems inadequate for Janine. When I think of how much good she has done me over the last 5 years, not only from all my treatments but also from being a very nice and understanding person. In what at times for me have been very difficult and stressful periods in my life. I may not have made it through and out the other side so well without Janine. I am about to move away from Nantwich, I will miss Janine but she will always have my grateful thanks.

Testimonial May 2013 - Through IVF Treatment

Finally I don't think I can ever thank you enough for everything you did for me, you helped me have the family I wanted. There is no doubt that I shall come for some reflexology in the not too distant future, but it will not be for fertility!!!! Maybe for my sanity.

Many many thanks

(The first part of this testimonial has been omitted, purely because it contains confidential personal and medical information)

Testimonial May 2013 - Deep Relaxation

Janine! Just a quick thank you for my treatment the other day. Whilst I am still having to cope with my elderly mother and that whole situation, I am most grateful for you seeing me. I am particularly glad of the work on my head, face and shoulders to release the awful knots and tension. I felt so relaxed and quite tired the next day, but what a difference! You're a little lifesaver! Many thanks and see you next month.

Testimonial November 2012 - Through IVF

Janine, Just a little note to thank you for everything you're doing to help us bring life into the world. Whatever the result you do amazing work.

Thank you for joining me on this journey so far. fingers crossed

Testimonial July 2012 - Reflexology Student

Hi Janine, thought I would let you know that I have passed my course. It was the hardest thing I have ever done! Just wanted to thank you for inspiring me. Hope to see you soon.

Testimonial March 2012 - Labour Preparation & Induction

Hi Janine
On Friday night I went into hospital at 8pm and at 12.07am Saturday morning, baby was born weighing 9lbs4oz! Thank you so so much for all your help, I firmly believe it was down to you that I was able to have such a great, natural delivery with only gas and air for the repairs afterwards!

I have already recommended you to many pregnant friends as an essential for labour prep.

Once again many thanks

Testimonial March 2012 - Stress

Dear Jan

I just wanted to write to you to tell you it was the best thing I ever did in coming to see you. If you remember I was very skeptical about you being able to do anything for me as my stress levels were so high! I now call you 'my white witch', which I know you find very amusing. I call you that because my family and friends have noticed a big difference in me as I know you have.

I now try to come see you once a month as I do suffer with slight back problems.

Jan, I would recommend you to anyone and I do tell people about you whenever I get the opportunity. You have a very calming influence and I love coming to see you. Keep up the good work!

Testimonial February 2012 - Fertility

After 2 failed IVF attempts I turned to Janine for reflexology as I had read that it may help. All I can say is that I now have twins from a frozen embryo transfer, and I don't think they would be here if it wasn't for Janine. Janine isn't only a reflexologist, she is a counsellor and a good listener, and her calm approach always put me at ease and relaxed me. Seeing Janine every week before and during the third cycle (which had a success rate of less than 10%) really helped me, knowing that Janine was complementing my treatment and at the same time it felt like I had a weekly counselling session, and any aches and pains from the treatment and then the pregnancy or stress in my life that day were better after I finished our treatment.

I would definitely recommend Janine to anyone, fertility issues or otherwise.

Thank you Janine, you are never far from our thoughts when we look at our beautiful children.

Testimonial January 2012 - To Induce Labour

Jan, I said I would email you to update you on the success of the reflexology you gave me on the 28th.

well I think I can safely say it worked!!

I left yours at 11am.

And went into full, intensive, no messing around, painful labour with simultaneous waters breaking at 4.30pm!

By 7pm I was in hospital and by 10pm pushing!

Baby was born at 12.19am at a very healthy 8lb 6oz.

Thanks again.

Testimonial December 2011

My thanks to you for keeping me sane and relaxed(sometimes against all the odds) and for improving my general well-being!

Thank you for everything during the year.

Many many thanks for all your help, where would we both be without you keeping us on the straight and narrow.

Thank you for all your help and support.

Thanks for another great reflexology year.

Testimonial August 2011 - Pregnancy

Hi Jan
I keep meaning to drop you and email but time has been racing by so quickly.
I just wanted to let you know my good news that I am 19.5 weeks pregnant!
I fell pregnant just after my last treatment with you - so whatever you were working on, worked.

Testimonial March 2011 - Sinus and Breathing Issues & Relaxation

I visit Janine every couple of months mainly because I find the treatment very relaxing, but also to help with my sinus and breathing issues.

During this last winter I was particularly affected by a chest virus which in the end led to my referral to a respiratory consultant. Janine helped my sinus problems between January and March 2011. I actually felt the pressure ease whilst the treatment was carried out. I left able to breath through my nose for the first time in several weeks.

Janine is very understanding to individual patient needs. For example she is able to carry out treatment sitting up for those like me who has trouble breathing when laying flat.

Sometimes I fall asleep and so miss part of the treatment, very annoying!

To all first-timers I'd recommend Janine to anyone looking to try an alternative treatment, open your mind and you never know what might work for you; and you would have a wonderfully relaxing time.

Testimonial January 2011 - Labyrinthitis, Anxiety and Menopausal Issues

I was diagnosed with labyrinthitis (a viral infection of the middle ear which creates dizziness and headaches) but was not offered any medical treatment as there is none available. I was told to relax, stop worrying; this condition would eventually right itself. As one of the effects of labyrinthitis is anxiety this was difficult to do!

I had heard of reflexology and thought it was worth trying but I did not have great expectations. After one session, amazingly I had no headache and felt much calmer, I continued with weekly sessions for 5 weeks and the condition continued to improve.

As I was so impressed with the results I have continued to have reflexology on a 5/6 week basis. I have found it to be beneficial to my general well being and health. It has also helped with menopausal disorders which I have experienced.

In conclusion I would recommend this therapy to anyone suffering with similar problems.

Testimonial December 2010

  • Have felt so much better since my last appointment - you worked your magic on me!

  • Thank you for everything throughout the year.

  • Thank you so much for all your help & support during the past year.

  • Many thanks for your special treatment.

  • Thanks for all your skill and support.

  • Thanks for another great relaxing year.

    Testimonial October 2010 - Abdominal Spasms From IBS

    Janine, would just like to say thanks for what ever you did to my feet on Friday as it seemed to calm down my insides. Its been nice to have 3 days (& hopefully more) of no spasms. See you in November.

    Testimonial October 2010 - Fertility & Pregnancy

    On speaking to Janine I could tell immediately that she was a caring and professional lady. On arriving at Janine's home for my first appointment the attention to detail that she showed was so great I knew I had made the right decision choosing her.

    I first turned to reflexology as a way of relieving the stress I was feeling due to fertility problems. Once my course of treatments began I realised it was a whole lot more.
    Janine treated me throughout my fertility treatment helping to keep me calm and also working on the specific areas to enhance my medical treatment. I don't know how much the reflexology helped but we ended up conceiving naturally!

    Janine then treated me all through my pregnancy, this was wonderful, a great way to relax and it helped with the hip pain I was experiencing and also the swollen ankles. After each treatment the pain in my hips was greatly reduced which in turn allowed me a good night's sleep. Towards the end of my third trimester I increased the treatments to help with the labour. It was only 12 hours after my last treatment that my waters broke.

    Janine was such a great help during everything, not just for the treatments but as a sounding board when I was worried. She is a fantastic listener and a wonderful therapist. Janine went above and beyond the call of duty when she showed my partner how to massage areas of my feet to help during labour.

    Reflexology is a wonderful experience, one I would recommend anyone to try.

    Testimonial September 2010 - Tendinitis & General Health

    I first benefited from reflexology about 15 years ago after being diagnosed with tendinitis in my left shoulder area. Despite many different medical treatments, the extreme pain and reduced movement continued and I decided to look into alternative therapy. After only two sessions of reflexology, the pain disappeared, the range of movement gradually improved and I have continued with regular treatment ever since on a monthly basis. Since transferring to Janine's very capable hands I feel confident that she is helping me to maintain overall well-being, which is an important factor. The relaxing atmosphere of her treatment room makes the whole experience most enjoyable.

    Testimonial August 2010 - Sleep Pattern & General Health

    The advantages of Reflexology in Janine's professional hands has meant that not only have I noticed an almost total reduction of callous on toes, soles and heels of my feet, but that this has resulted in more comfort and flexibility when walking(I skip and dance back to the car).
    In addition, my general well being has benefited in the following ways:
    - less ailments (aches and pains)
    - sharper vision
    - increased vigour and stamina
    - better deportment
    - better sleep

    Invaluable! I come away totally refreshed and feeling years younger.

    Many, many thanks.

    Testimonial August 2010 - Stress & Anxiety

    There are not enough words of praise in the English Dictionary to help me describe the amazing effect Janine has had on my life. Janine has saved me from myself and my frantic manic life!!!

    We are all our own worst enemies and we need to find faith in something or someone in order to help us back to rationality. Janine is my someone. Janine has given me my sanity back.

    I have been suffering with stress overload, a feeling of turmoil and of being pulled in every direction. I was drowning emotionally. My body had stopped covering up these stresses and had developed a very red puffy rash. The severity of my rash varied according to my state of mind. Janine has been able to realign the inner me. My body no longer feels knotted and about to explode. The extreme pressure that was inside me, waiting to burst out, has subsided and my rash has gone!

    I am now living my life floating in the clouds, I feel calm, relaxed and at peace with myself. Janine has lifted my spirits to a positive plateau and put a permanent smile on my face. Many many thanks to you Janine.

    Testimonial July 2010 - Variety of Health Conditions

    I have been going to see Janine for three and a half years. I would like to say that the treatment has helped with a number of physical health conditions. The warm and calming atmosphere has always helped me take time out of a busy life to relax. Her gentle nature has always put me at ease and I always look forward to my next visit. Due to the improvement in my health I recommended Janine to friends and now they tell me that they have benefited too. I really don't know where I would be without her.

    Testimonial July 2010 - Back Pain and Mobility Issues

    The last appointment resulted in me feeling a great deal less stiff and I'm moving far better. Whoopee!

    Testimonial April 2010 - Pregnancy

    I would recommend reflexology generally but it's a must during pregnancy! I have found it a very positive experience.

    Testimonial April 2010 - Pregnancy & Preparation for an Elective Caesarean Section


    Thank you very much for the treatments over the past year, especially the ones during pregnancy which were so relaxing. My baby arrived on 26th February 7lbs, 14oz. The c section went very well(a lot better than last time) and my recovery much quicker. My back is giving me some problems which is slowing me down but other than that things are going very well. My eldest son is a very proud big brother. The baby is quite a good sleeper but sleepless nights are not such a shock the second time around. He is a little devil early in the evening, 5pm until he finally settles around 10pm - but to be honest this was the time he was most active in my tummy and didn't stop so perhaps there is something in that.

    Thank you again and I hope to find the time for some more treatments in the future!

    Testimonial March 2010 - Back Pain

    Hi Jan- I'm so glad you offered me that appointment! You did marvels with my back. It was one of those pains that wouldn't go away and you made it go away. It came back again but I was more able to relax the core of it and I do believe it has pretty much disappeared.

    Testimonial March 2010 - Pregnancy & Preparation for Labour

    Hi Janine, baby was born on Thursday at 3.37pm after a very quick labour and two pushes, couldn't have been more different from last time. She's tiny only 5lb 14oz so I guess she wasn't ready to come out yet! Thanks so much for your help, I'm sure it made all the difference.

    Testimonials December 2009
  • Thank you so much for all your support during the past year.

  • Thanks for a great year.

  • Many thanks for being there for me.

  • Thank you for all the reflex.

  • Thanks for all your care and friendship.

  • Many thanks for your help over the past year.

  • Many thanks for looking after me.

  • Wishing you health and happiness for 2010. Thank you for everything.

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