Price List & Frequently Asked Questions
Charges for 2025 (These charges will apply from 1st January 2025 and will remain at this level throughout the year.)
- A single treatment is charged at £40.00 - Duration 1 hour.
The first treatment includes an initial telephone consultation, followed by a face-to-face treatment session, this is charged at £50.00.
- 30 minute treatments are charged at £30.00
- Gift Vouchers are available for Reflexology treatment which make a thoughtful and unusual present. Clients do not need to be seeking treatment for a particular condition to benefit from and enjoy reflexology treatment for its deeply relaxing benefits. Gift Vouchers can be purchased for a single treatment, for a course of treatments, or in £5 and £10 denominations.
- Health Cash Plans. You may have a health cash plan and be able to reclaim all or part of the cost of your treatment; BUPA, HealthShield, HealthSure and others include Reflexology within their plans. Please let Janine know when making an appointment so that she can have a receipt ready for you at each treatment.
- Cancellation Policy To best serve all of my patients, if you are unable to attend a pre-booked session, the following cancellation policy applies;
Any treatments cancelled less than 24 hours prior to the appointment will incur a cancellation charge.
- Payments can be made in cash, by cheque or by mobile phone/online banking.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Clinical Reflexology?
The type of reflexology given in Beauty Salons and Spas is mostly what could be termed "improved foot massage" using a little bit of pressure here and there. This treatment has very little in common with Clinical or Medical Reflexology and should not really be termed Reflexology although it will be a very pleasant treatment. The treatment we offer is known as Clinical or Medical Reflexology where specific finger, thumb and hand techniques are used with varying degrees of pressure to very specific points in the feet where the pressure is adjusted according to the congested areas and imbalances detected in the feet. It is very difficult for the general public to know how different these two treatments can be, as they are often both termed reflexology, however when you have experienced both the difference is obvious.
A number of patients of ours have experienced both types of treatment and have commented on the vast difference between the two. One particular patient recounted recently that the spa treatment she had had was very pleasant but that the treatment she had received from Janine was equally enjoyable but it actually achieved the results that she was looking for.(This patient has been treated at different points in time for migraines, depression, period pain and fertility all with a positive outcome).
What does Holistic mean?
The word holistic is taken from the greek word 'Holos' meaning whole. A Holistic Therapy treats the whole person not just the physical symptoms of disease, and deals with the individual as a whole incorporating body, mind and spirit.

How does Reflexology work?
Reflexology is a method of activating the healing powers of the body itself. Reflexology is both a gentle and non-invasive therapy, as well as being enjoyable. It is based on the principle that all the organs and systems of the body have a corresponding reflex point on the feet and therefore the whole body can be seen to be mapped out on the feet.
Some of these reflex areas can be seen on the diagram below.
A Reflexologist will work over the whole of the foot applying a gentle pressure to all of the reflexes thereby stimulating all areas of the body; subsequently the body's natural healing process is initiated, which stimulates the body to address any imbalances and begin to heal itself. A fully trained Reflexologist can detect subtle variances in these reflexes and will therefore give particular attention to those areas where their may be blockage or imbalance.

Can you treat my child?
Reflexology can be of great benefit to children just as it can be for adults. Treatment of a child under 16 would require the completion of a consent form by the child's parent or guardian; also an accompanying adult must be present throughout the treatment session. Depending on the age of the child shorter treatment sessions of 30 minutes rather than an hour may be reccommended to you.
Can I have reflexology if I have a verruca?
If you have a verruca you are still able to have reflexology treatment. If you have just one verruca it can be covered with micropore tape during the treatment. If you have several verrucas then the best option is to cover them yourself with plasters before any treatment. As a reflexologist I am not allowed to use plasters as some people are allergic to them, therefore I have to use micorpore tape which is fine for one verruca however it is not as adhesive as plasters and therefore the use of plasters by the patient is preferable in the case of several verrucas.
How many treatments will I need?
Typically I find that a patient requires four to six treatments to noticeably reduce symptoms or overcome a specific problem. However each patient is quite individual and different therefore each treatment, and treatment plans are tailored to each patient's specific needs on a treatment by treatment basis.
Once a patient's specific problem/problems have been treated many patient's find it advantageous to have the occasional maintenance treatment.
Does Reflexology tickle?
Many people have sensitive feet and imagine that Reflexology would not be appropriate for them as they are ticklish. However because reflexology uses techniques of applying pressure to the feet, those clients who generally have ticklish feet, to their surprise never find it a problem during reflexology treatment.